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Technology Lending

Technology listed below can be checked out at the listed library branch on a first-come, first served basis. Some items require an online reservation in order to be checked out. They are listed on the equipment catalog(link is external). The loan period is listed by each item. Read more about the OU Libraries overdue policies

Technology loans are limited to current University of Oklahoma faculty, staff, and students with a valid OU ID. A valid photo ID must be presented to checkout technology. Read more about the OU Libraries technology lending policies.

For assistance with reserving technology, please contact the library where the item is located or the media and reserves manager.

Reservable Technology


Non-reservable technology - Laptops and more

A $30 an hour overdue fine for a laptop and iPad is charged if returned late. There is no grace period. OU Libraries laptop policies.

Dell Laptops

Dell laptop available for rent

Available at the laptop kiosk in the Bizzell Loveridge Computer Lab.

12 Dell Latitude 5440

4- hour loan period - May be renewed through the "My Account" feature of the libraries' website or by calling the Bizzell circulation desk at 405-325-3341.

PC Laptop Software Availability Page 

Dell Precision with Deepfreeze software

Dell Precision with Deepfreeze software laptop available for rent

Available at Bizzell circulation desk

2 Dell Precision 5550 Laptops

1 day loan period 

The Deepfreeze software protects computers from viruses and other mishaps that occur in the learning processes of coding, engineering, design, etc. 

 Deepfreeze instructions available here(link is external) 



Macbook Laptops

Macbook laptop available for rent

Available at the laptop kiosk in the Bizzell Loveridge Computer Lab.

6 Macbook Air Laptops

4- hour loan period - May be renewed through the "My Account" feature of the libraries' website or by calling the Bizzell circulation desk at 405-325-3341

Apple Laptop Software Availability Page


iPad available for rent

Available at Bizzell circulation desk

9 2015 iPad

4-hour loan period


calculators available for rent

Available at Bizzell Circulation desk 
1 day loan period

BA II Plus Financial
TI-36X Pro Scientific
TI-84 Plus Graphing

Available at Youngblood Geology 
4 hour loan period

1 TI-89 Titanium Graphing
2 TI-30X II Scientific 

3D Printed Bone Sets

3d printed bone sets available for rent

Available at Bizzell Circulation desk
1 day loan period

Anthropology sets
Human anatomy sets
6 Bone Set #1
9 Bone Set #2
2 skulls

Phone Chargers

phone charges available for rent

Available at Bizzell Circulation desk
1 day loan period

USB-C, Lightning, micro-USB cables

wall adapter blocks

Laptop Chargers

USB-C and Apple Laptop Chargers

Available at Bizzell Circulation desk
1 day loan period

Mac magsafe 1, 2, 3
Universal PC
Surface Pro

Adapters and Cables

Adapters and cables available for rent

Available at Bizzell Circulation desk
1 day loan period

USB-C, Lightning, Displayport, VGA, HDMI, 30-Pin, Audio

Computer Accessories

computer accessories available for rent

Available at Bizzell Circulation desk
1 day loan period

Keyboard, mouse, Apple and PC DVD drives, Speakerphone

Available at Fine Arts
4 hour loan period

Apple and PC DVD drive 


Blu Ray player, Bike lock, Dual drive, Cassette player

Available at Bizzell Circulation desk
1 day loan period

Bike locks, power strips, Cassette player, Flash drives, Dual drives, SD Cards, 
Blu Ray Players


Headphones and a headset

Available at Bizzell Circulation desk
1 day loan period

Headphones, Noise-Canceling Headphones, Noise-Reducing Ear Muffs, Headsets